Listen to FITA Partner, Ursula Frederick-Brown's introduction on using church talent & gifts to transform the Marketplace!
John 4:23-24... "the Father seeks who will worship HIM in spirit and truth"
LeAndria Johnson on Sunday Best with Donald Lawrence [2019].
Her spirit and soul is totally committed to only giving GOD her praise. She is talking straight to the FATHER through song, which allows her to go behind the VAIL. This releases the Anointing which ministers to GOD's people.
Walter Hawkins with Love Fellowship Choir
He is talking through song directly to GOD, which allows him to enter into HIS presence. That releases the Anointing which falls on the flock then yokes are destroyed and burdens removed.
Rev. Daryl Coley with Donald Lawrence & Tri-City
He uses a lot of vocal dynamics but never let's it distract him, from talking through song, to his FATHER on High. Because he is worshiping in spirit and in truth the Anointing has fallen on him. Yokes are being destroyed and burdens removed.